What to Study for the FRQ's

In order to prepare for the TWO FRQ's, please reveiw the following units. The associated Quizlet Units are in parentheses.

Social Psychology (Unit 4)

Sleep and dreaming (Unit 8 B)

Operant Conditioning (Unit 11 B)

Memory (Units 12 A, 12 B, 12 C, & 12 D)

Psychoanalytic Theory (Unit 16 A)

Psychological Disorders (Unit 17 A, 17 B, & 17 C)

Therapy (Unit 18 A & 18 B)

Emotion (Unit 19)


To prepare, I suggest you go over the FITB reviews, reread the important modules, and read the units in Barrons AP Psychology. At the very minimun, reveiw the terms on Quizlet. Not only will this help you prepare for the FRQ's, but it will help get you ready for the multiple choice section.

Finally, please do not miss this exam! The AP psychology exam in on the first day of AP's, so there really is no time to have you take the practice exam "later".

Additionally, we will be doing a review on Tuesday and Wednesday.